Limnogeology Laboratory

Carbon analysis - Coulomat

Carbon in geological samples is measured by a UIC Inc. CM 5012 CO2 analyzer using coulometric titration. Total carbon is first combusted in a furnace (CM 5200 Autosampler) and subsequently introduced in the Coulometer, whereas total inorganic carbon (TIC) is determined by acidification (CM 5130). Total organic carbon (TOC) is calculated as the difference between TC and TIC.

Grain size analysis - Malvern Mastersizer

Grain size is measured with a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 by laser diffraction. A wide range of particle sizes can be measured (0.02 – 2000μm).

This instrument is a joint purchase between the Climate Geology group/ETH Zurich and the Sedimentology group at Eawag.

Enlarged view: Grainsizer


Dr. Adrian Gilli
Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences
  • NO D 65
  • +41 44 632 36 94

Dep. Erdwissenschaften
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

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