Lake Research Equipment

The Climate Geology group holds a suite of field instruments to survey and core different lake systems.

Research vessels

Research vessel ArETHuse in action
Research vessel ArETHuse in action
Seismic survey with Zodiac boat an Lake Fälen, Eastern Switzerland
Seismic survey with Zodiac boat an Lake Fälen, Eastern Switzerland

Coring equipment

Enlarged view: Short coring device
Short coring device
Enlarged view: Uwitec platform
Uwitec platform on Lake Cadagno
Enlarged view: Kullenberg platform for recovering up to 12m-long sediment cores
Kullenberg platform for recovering up to 12m-long sediment cores

Cold room facilities

Enlarged view: Storage room for sediment cores
Storage room for sediment cores


Dr. Adrian Gilli
Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences
  • NO D 65
  • +41 44 632 36 94

Dep. Erdwissenschaften
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

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